Basic Training Fort Benjamin Harrison Letters

September 28, 1943

Note: this is datelined “Wed, 8:30 PM”, which would have been September 29. However, internal evidence suggests that this was actually started Tuesday night and finished Wed morning. In this letter he didn’t know when he would be shipping to Fort Benning. There is another letter, dated the evening of the 29th, which announces that he had been notified that they would be shipping.

Tues. 8:30PM
Dear Folks,

This will be a short letter because the lights go out at 9:00. I worked on sod detail this morning and on the detail that cleans up the ground this afternoon. After supper I was sent to help clean up one of the buildings in which records are made and filed. I got off from this about 10 minutes ago.

I was very lucky on the job I had yesterday. I was assigned to work in the warehouse, where they issue clothing. They only ran through a very few people so we didn’t have to work hard and we got off with about a half day’s work.

Tomorrow I am supposed to get my third and last typhoid shot. This as far as I know will be the last shot I will get here.

Every day I expect to be shipped but not yet. I didn’t get to hear the shipping list read tonight so I don’t know whether I will ship tomorrow or not. I won’t seal this letter tonight so I can let you know whether or not I go tomorrow. The shipping list will be posted on the bulletin board sometime in the night.

I suppose you have turned in my ration books and have given Bos Walker those ration points I owed him from the last Saturday I was home.

I suppose you got my letter that said I wanted my social security card.

Well I guess there is no more news and anyway I want to get all the rest I can tonight.

Wed Morn. 5:15
Well I will be here for another day. About 16 days of it.

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