Basic Training Fort Benjamin Harrison Letters

September 24, 1943

Friday 9:45
Dear Folks,

This will have to be a quick letter since I am on K.P. and have less than a half hour left of my hour off. I had to do some other little jobs like polishing my shoes, etc. so I will have to hurry.

In answer to some of your questions: It will be alright with me if you want to sell my 3rd year Latin book. You asked if I ever hear any news. Well once in a very great while I hear a radio in the recreation hall but it is scarcely ever news. They sell Indianapolis papers around here and very often I read one which somebody leaves lying on his bunk. Then by filling in the holes with the Tribunes, I can get a general idea of what  is happening.

About coming down here, I hardly know what to say. Of course I would be glad to see you but I am going crazy as Ned did. There is a very big chance that after you come you would not get to see me. There is a chance that I might be shipped any day and even if I am here I am not off until about 6:30 through the week and even sometimes on Sunday. Since civilians must leave at 8:00 this would only give an hour and a half visit. If I knew you were coming I could call you the night before if I was shipping off the next day. If you come, in case I forget to tell you, ask for me at the recreation hall and they will try to get in touch with me.

Friday afternoon

Well I didn’t get finished this morning so I will try to finish now. The Joe Lewis exhibition was postponed until tonight. I don’t know if I will be too tired to go see him or not.

The gang I was on Wed. afternoon worked on the ring where he is to fight. Yesterday all day I worked on the sod gang.

I happened to remember about telephoning you as I mentioned before. We are not supposed to tell when we are leaving. Even our letters that we send out are held up for three days so that we will be well on the way when the news gets out (military secrets). So you had better think it over before you decide to come.

For the last few days a group from the Fort here have been going to canning factories to work. They make over $5 a day. But to do this they must have their social security cards. This work might be over by the time mine would get here, but I might need it sometime in the future. I would like for you to send it by special delivery so I will be sure to get it. It is in that candy box in our dresser drawer. 

As you see I ran out of stationary and had to get some more. Write whenever you can.


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