Sunday 1:00pm
Dear Folks,
I answered mail call today and got my first letters from home. I got two letters at once but I suppose one was here yesterday. I was doing K.P. duty then so couldn’t get my mail.
When we do K.P. we get up at 4:00am and go to work at 4:30. We work till 6:30pm with an hour off in the morning and one in the afternoon. Even though we work long hours, I would rather do this than guard duty. The work is tedious but not hard. I did such jobs as wash pans, open cans, scrub floors, flour pork chops, cut up rutabaga, etc. I helped flour about 35 or 40 gallons of pork chops. This will give some idea of the quantities in which the army cooks. Even then my bunch was only cooking for some 900 of 3000 at the reception center. Besides the reception center there is a camp here where they give some education to illiterates (a fellow from down south that came with us was sent there) and also a camp of soldiers receiving their training here.
I dressed up this morning and went to church. This was the second time that I had my dress uniform on. The other time was when I was on guard duty; only this time I didn’t have to wear my leggens..
You do not know how glad I was to hear that Richard is practicing football again. I would like to hear more about what is going on at school. Dady must feel like he has time to throw away with only one grade to teach this year.
About Jimmie’s ball glove, near as I can remember it was put in that box that is behind our bed on the maytag. If it is not there it might be in the box with the ball bats, but I can not remember where the box is. These are the only two likely places I can think of.
I suppose you got my clothes and found my testament in it. I was given a gideon testament which is much smaller and will be easier to handle. It also contains the Psalms.
I don’t have any news about when I will move, but there is supposed to be a shipping list of about 600 tomorrow. Since I have been here a week maybe I will be on it.
I am sending a program to show you what kind of service we had this morning.
With love,