Note: Started Wednesday, the 10th, continued, Friday and finished Sunday the 14th
Dear Folks,
I will start a letter today but I am not making any promises as to when I will finish it. We are going to go out on a night problem for about 4 hours tonight so we have 2 hours free time this morning.
It rained all day Sunday and Monday and it was so muddy that you would sink in an inch or so with each step and cars got stuck on these sand roads. But the water soon runs off these sandy hills and this morning you can barely tell there was any rain. Since the rain it has turned cold and we had to wear our overcoats this morning. The temperature now seems to me to be about the same as Indiana temperature for about this time of year except in the afternoon. It generally warms up in the afternoon to a temperature where a light jacket makes you comfortable. I was out the other evening and the temperature was so much like an Indiana night in late October or early November that it made me almost homesick.
We spent yesterday afternoon digging again. This time I helped dig a hole 5’ x 5’ x 5’ for a mortar emplacement. The ground was like hard clay and it took 5 of us about 2 hours to dig it.
Well I will start again on my long delayed letter. It is now Friday noon and maybe during my noon hour and tonight I can finish it. I want to tell you about the dinner we had on Wednesday. We had pork chops, mashed potatoes, gravy and spinach. The beauty of it was that we had all we could hold. Usually when we have something especially good there is just enough to go around. But this time there was even extra meat. I had 2 big pork chops and some of the fellows with big appetites had 4 or 5. Then to top it all off we had ice cream for dessert. Boy what a meal.
On Wednesday night we practiced what we had been learning about walking quietly at night, use of the compass and how to get along at night without lights.
Sunday Morning
It has taken me half a week to write this letter but surely I can finish it today. We have been so busy during the last part of the week that I haven’t even had time to write to the folks. Church isn’t till 11:00 this morning and I am already except for putting on my tie and coat so now I will start writing again.
I told you about Wednesday’s dinner so now I will tell you about today’s breakfast. We always eat well on Sunday mornings because since we don’t have to get up only about half of the fellows don’t go to breakfast. We always have pancakes on Sunday morning and since they make enough for the whole company we that do eat always have a feast. But this morning besides all of the pancakes we could hold they also gave us each a grapefruit and bowl of cornflakes. It sure pays to eat breakfast on Sundays! You can tell by my descriptions of meals that eating is one of the greatest pleasures of my army life.
Besides our regular work this week we have also begun learning to parts and mechanics of the trench mortar and the light machine gun. We will learn to shoot these guns before our basic training is over. We were also issued the rifles that we will shoot on the range. Next week we will begin learning the principles of firing our rifles but it will be another week or so before we actually shoot live ammunition.
We have been having fairly nice weather down here for the past few days. The temperature at night gets almost down to freezing but it warms up some during the day. Of course a freezing temp. Seems kind of chilly but it is a lot better than zero and you can keep warm in it if you work hard enough.
Is everything alright in Orestes
Love and keep writing,