Basic Training Fort Benning Letters

October 7, 1943

Thursday Eve.
8:45 (2045)
Dear Folks,

I wrote yesterday but I have some more things to tell you so I will simply write again.

In the first place I got my first letters today. They had been sent to Ft. Harrison so they were more than a week old but I was very glad to get them. I was glad to get the  newspaper clippings and to hear that at that time Richard had already played a whole football game. I certainly would have liked to have seen you as we had planned in the letters but maybe it is better that I didn’t.

You mentioned my shots in your letter and it reminded me that I got a tetanus shot since I have been here. I am not so mad about my tooth as I was last night.

This morning I was officially signed up for ASTP. If I finish my basic training OK, I will enter a basic engineering course. If everything goes well in this after 36 weeks I will start in some specialized branch of engineering. I wasn’t especially anxious for engineering  but that is what the army needs so I am going to like it.

This evening a group from the 13th Company was moved to the 16th Co. Since they took the last 50 of the alphabetical list I was one of the group. I hated to leave since I was beginning to get lined up and since I liked the officers, but I had no choice in the matter.

The only change in my address is 16th Co. instead of 13th Co. Spread the news around about this. 

Pvt. Donald Tappan 35893186
16th Co. 6th Tng Regt. ASTP
Ft. Benning, GA

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