Basic Training Fort Benning Letters

October 29, 1943

Friday Morn
Dear Folks,
It seems that I never have time to write a long letter any more but maybe I can squeeze this one in between times. I have 4 or 5 minutes now and maybe I can start.

Well I have really been working the last few days. My muscles are getting sore now for the first time since I was in Ft. Harrison. Maybe the tetanus shot I got Wed. helped. I have got 5 shots| so far and at least 2 more to come.

We have been having a good bit of bayonet practice and even though this may not look hard it gets very tiresome.| We have also been taking several marches and on Wednesday night we went on a night march and study of night tactics. Tonight we are going on another night march.
They must figure that in real battle a good bit of work would have to be done at night.

We had a little excitement in our company last night. Our company commander was raised from the rank of first lieutenant to captain. You should have heard the undertone when he came out for the formations last night wearing his captain’s bars.

There is not much doubt now about whether or not our battalion will move. We are supposed to have all our belongings and bedding packed by tomorrow morning. I suppose that sometime before Sunday we will have a new location.

The weather down here has gone crazy again. It is almost cold enough to freeze at night and then warms up to hot enough in the afternoon that we can go in our shirt sleeves. Everyone complains of the cold because it is such a damp cold. It doesn’t seem to me that it is difference from that in Indiana. The cold isn’t hurting me a bit so far.

Well I will  write you a long letter when I have time. For your information I was stopped in my writing at every palace where I have put a mark (|). I wrote off and on from morning till noon on it.


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