Basic Training Fort Benning Letters

October 11, 1943 (letter to Grandparents)

Oct. 11, 1943
Dear Grandparents,

Well my first day of basic training is over. We had to wait till enough men came to form the whole battalion before the training could officially start. I couldn’t see any difference in basic training and what we had been doing so I don’t see why I can’t come out on top of it. It will get harder as time goes on but I will be more used to it then and able to take it.

Last week I did both K.P. and guard duty so I won’t have to worry about these for a while now. My turn won’t come up again for two or three weeks, I hope.

We are sure going to be real soldiers when we get through with this. Today we started learning to tear apart and reassemble our rifles. Tomorrow we are to start learning the use of our gas masks. The way we are going you can see what kind of training we are going to get.

Mother reminded me in a letter that I got today that Wednesday is your wedding anniversary. Of course, I wasn’t thinking about it and even if I had tried to remember when it was I probably couldn’t. Since it takes so long for letters to get there, this one will probably be a little late for your anniversary. Anyway it will have to stand for me visiting you for a time anyway.

I hope your work is coming along alright and that maybe it has slowed down a little by now.

Since I last wrote to you my address has changed a little. Maybe mother has told you about this but anyway my correct address is:

Pvt Donal Tappan 35893186
16th Co. 6th Tng Regt. ASTP
Ft Benning, Georgia

Write me whenever you can and I will try to stay in touch with you.



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