Note: As far as I could tell, this envelope had never been opened
Dear Folks,
I wanted to write last night but couldn’t get time. I had to attend a night class to make up for K.P., clean my rifle and polish my mess kit so it was bed time before I could write.
I brought this paper with me to the field this morning and am going to try to write in the rest period between periods. You will excuse the writing as I am working on my lap.
We worked hard yesterday and are starting off hard again today. Besides our usual work we are now specializing in hand grenades and bayonets. Yesterday we threw dummy grenades and today we are supposed to have 2 hours of practice with them.
Yesterday and today both we are having 2 hours of bayonet practice. Last week in bayonet practice we just learned the different strokes, thrusts, etc. by striking at the air. But today we worked on dummies to make it more realistic.
Well it is noon and I found out that I have guard duty tonight. I will have only 2 hours of it so maybe it won’t kill me. I want to mail this letter before I go back to work. So,