Also a follow-on, probably November 30
November 28, 1943
Fort Benning, Georgia
Sunday Eve.
Dear Folks,
I am writing by candlelight tonight. Therefore I will write a very short letter. Confidentially this is about the worst Sunday I have ever spent. I didn’t even have a chance to go to church.
We started at noon yesterday and marched till almost dark. Then we pitched our tents, dug shit trenches, ate C (combat) rations and went to bed. Then to beat it all it rained in the night. We got up in the dark this morning and rolled our packs. A pack is hard to roll in daylight and 3 times as hard to roll in the dark. We got here at about 10:00 and ate breakfast. We have been working almost all day at such jobs as cleaning up around here.
We live in tents with dirt floors but we do have beds to sleep in. Tomorrow we go out on the range but I don’t know exactly how or what we will fire.
I had my first experience firing on Friday. We fired the carbine but not for record. I got by but didn’t do anything outstanding. The worst part of this are is the lack of water. We have to get along on a canteen full a day. We must wash and shave, etc. in it. For this reason I may have to start drinking coffee. That is about all they furnish us at meals and when I have to furnish my drink out of my canteen it soon runs out.
I am not going to say this often but frankly I will be glad when this basic is over.
I can receive letters & packages out here but don’t send anything that will be too big to take back. Keep praying and don’t worry.
Love, Donald
December 1, 1943
Dear Folks,
I am OK but am too busy and tired to write. We have been firing our rifles so far this week. This will let you know I am still here. I am including a letter I wrote Sun. but didn’t even have time to mail. I am in better spirits now.