Basic Training Fort Benning Letters

November 23, 1943

Tuesday Night
Dear Folks,

After wallowing in Georgia sand all afternoon trying to learn to shoot the rifle, I had to take a shower tonight. I also had to shave, etc. and then had to tear my rifle all apart to get Georgia out of it. Therefore this will be a short letter so that I may get some sleep before morning. This may seem like the same thing I always say and that is just what it is. Your rifle has to be cleaned every night and also you don’t dare miss shaving for one day. I skip it on Saturday night though because we don’t have any formations on Sunday.

So far this week and we will continue to do for the rest of the week except for one or two hours, we have been dry firing on the rifle, mortar and machine gun. I will certainly be glad when the next 3 weeks are over.

We are also supposed to learn the mechanisms of and fire the carbine before this week is over.
Richard asked me (I was looking over last weeks letters last night) how I broke my glasses. Well I broke one of the lenses. It was cracked in a thousand pieces but it stayed in the frame.

I hope you are all OK and everything is coming alright. You will have to imagine that this has been a letter. Its main purpose was to let you know that I am OK.

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