Basic Training Fort Benning Letters

November 18, 1943

Thursday Nite

Dear Folks,

Have I been working tonight! We ate supper about 7:00 and since then I have taken a shower, washed my hair, shaved, polished shoes, cleaned my rifle and a few other things. I still have a few minutes before lights out and since we will have to scrub up the hut tomorrow evening I will write a short letter now.

Since I last wrote we have spent about all of our time working with machine guns and dry firing our rifles. That dry firing is really something too. You get into a strained(?) position and hold it in an attempt to get used to it. I am getting sore muscles from it and especially sore back muscles.

We will continue on our dry firing for the rest of this week and next and then we will spend the next two on the range.

This Georgia weather certainly is funny. There is about a 30* to 40* change in the temperature every day. Indiana weather with snow would be very interesting to me.

Richard’s description of hunting a rabbit gave me a thrill even though I wasn’t there. I was also happy to hear that Alexandria won her first basketball game. That is about as good as she did all last year.

Oh yes, we spent about a half day yesterday learning how to put up barbed wire entanglements and barriers. There is a certain way to do everything in the army even down to stringing wire entanglements. They are put up in definite patterns. My eye is still kind of blood shot in the corner but outside of that you can hardly tell there was anything wrong with it. I’ll bet you will never notice it unless you look for it.

I am still coming along alright. Good night.

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