[Probably January 6, 1944]
Thursday Nite
Fort Benning, GA
Dear Folks,
I was using my pen after supper to get the fellows to sign some papers for the supply sergeant so since I have it in my hands I will use it now.
I am still looking after the boys in the sick hut. I keep wishing that they will all get well so that my job will come to an end but instead of that it keeps growing. It isn’t such a hard job but I just can’t enjoy it. It is helping the war effort so I sure am not worrying.
I don’t have to spend too much time down there so I spend a good bit of time in the supply room. I really enjoy the supply room work so life doesn’t get too monotonous for me. The supply sgt. Is a real nice guy so I go in and help him out and he lets me spend any spare time that I might have in the supply room.
Shux this sure isn’t much of a letter but I can’t think of anything else to write.
I want to take a shower before I go to bed so you’ll forgive the letter. Ask me some questions so I’ll have something to write about when news is short.