Basic Training Fort Benning Letters

January 25, 1944

January 25, 1944
Wed Night [was actually Tuesday]
Dear Folks,

Well I am pretty tired tonight, I haven’t done so much extra but for some reason I feel the effects of it.

Yesterday and today I have worked in the supply room with, of course, odd jobs of all kinds on the side.

I suppose I will go to the laundry tomorrow and then I will have a real treat tomorrow night. Ha Ha. I’ve got to go out with the company on a practice bivouac. In other words, live in a pup tent for one night. This will kind of ease me into the spirit of training, I guess.

I suppose that I will start training about the first of next week. I had a whole week of the range but this company starts right out by firing the machine gun. Since I didn’t do this before it will mean that I must take the whole 2 weeks over again.

I worked in the supply room till about 8:30 tonight and tried to get some of my things ready for the next two weeks. So with about 20 minutes of this letter I must hurry and sign off before the lights go out.

I hope you are all OK and that things are straightening out alright.
P.S. This will arrive too late for this but today is Dady’s birthday – So Happy Birthday

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