[Unclear Date – probably January 14, 1944]
Friday Night
Dear Folks,
I believe I was as glad to get a letter from you today as I have ever been. It didn’t say anything special but some way I was just glad to hear from you.
I am glad that the sale went off as well as it did and that you are getting straightened up over it. I suppose that it must have been hard to see some of the things go, but of course some things must be endured.
A couple of letters ago mother mentioned that she was going to have chilli soup for the sale dinner. That has been running through my mind ever since. Boy did that make me hungry! One of the things I miss is a few special things like chilli soup, hamburger gravy and corn starch pudding that I formerly enjoyed.
I am glad to hear that Duane is home. I would like to hear some of the things he told you about what he has been doing. Maybe you can tell me a few of his experiences when you run out of anything else to write about.
My time has been spent mostly in the supply room this week. Of course there are a million other little jobs that I do but they are hard to remember after they are over. I don’t know whether or not I told you but I hauled coal one day the first of the week. Oh yes I also went to the main post on Wednesday morning to take the laundry.
One thing about this period of doing nothing is that I am getting onto a lot of little things that go on in the army that I would not know about if I were training. For instance, I am in and out of the orderly room (office) enough that it gives me some idea of how things are run and this supply room experience will make me more able to keep myself equipped than otherwise.
It has sure been a rainy, wet, muddy day today. I would sure rather have Indiana snow than Georgia rain and mud. They gave us another round of sulfatiazol pills and I believe that they are helping me this time. My cough which stayed with me from my illness seems to be about all gone now. Well –