Basic Training Fort Benning Letters

January 10, 1944 – to Carver Grandparents

[January 10, 1944 – written to his Carver grandparents]

Monday Evening
Dear Folks,

I wonder how things are coming along with you by this time. I am feeling fine and not having to work quite as hard as I did, so I am not complaining. I wonder how the school house job is coming by now. I’ll bet that things look quite a bit different down there now than they did in September. It doesn’t seem like it but it won’t be many days before I will have been gone for four months. I sure hope to see you again before another four months have passed.

I have been doing all kinds of odd jobs around here. But the time I spend doing hard work is easily over-balanced by the time I don’t work nearly so hard. Of course, I am busy almost all of the time doing something or other.

I haven’t had time to hear from the folks since the sale. Mother said that Grandpa might help clerk so I suppose that you attended. I certainly hope that things went off favorably.

I haven’t much news so I’ll tell you something that I was thinking about a while ago. I was thinking about how much different I would look to you then when I left. In the first place of course, my uniform would make me look different. I don’t know how much I have gained but I’ll bet that you could tell that I have picked up quite a bit. And then my short army style haircut certainly does change my looks. II don’t know whether I’ll keep it that way or let it grow out; but if you could see me now, I’ll bet you would smile to yourself at my looks.

Aunt Mildred says that Ben’s address has changed to the west coast so he has seen quite a bit of new territory by now. And no doubt he will see quite a bit more before long.

Well I want to do a little more writing before bed time so I’ll close now.

May God bless you and keep you,


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