Basic Training Fort Benning Letters

January 21, 1944 (probably)

[Date unclear but probably Friday January 21, 1944]

Friday Night
Dear Folks,

Well I doubt if I will get this letter finished tonight so if time gets short I’ll just saw off and put it in an envelope rather than wait a day or two to finish it.

To start with I got your package today and also a letter from you. I was sure glad to get both of them. You can just guess what I thought of the candy and the rest of the stuff works fine.

In your letter you asked when my basic will be over. Well if everything goes off alright March will be about 10 days old when I get through here. And then about the furlough. Of course anything can happen but there isn’t enough chance that I will to plan on it.

And you asked about where my old company was sent to school. Well I asked them to write to me but so far none of them have.

I have been working in the supply room and this afternoon I spent almost all afternoon hauling so you will understand why I am closing now to go to bed.



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