Basic Training Fort Benning Letters

December 21, 1943

I think that’s the right date, postmark is hard to read

12th Company 5th Trng. Regt. ASTP
Tuesday Evening

Dear Folks,

Well here I am in the 12th Co. of the 5th Regiment. And you will sure be shocked when I tell you what week they are in. This army sure does weird things. They are in their second week. Another fellow who lost out at about the same time I did came over with me. We aren’t going to take all of this training but we are just going to spend the next 6 or 7 weeks till they catch up to where we were working around the company area here. In case you don’t understand that complicated sentence: I am just going to spend the next several weeks.

I spent the afternoon working in the supply room and loafing. I imagine that I will really be working when they really get started on us. I guess that I will just not worry about it and consider myself doing my part for the war. If that is what the army wants me to do. 

Maybe it will be warmer anyway when I go out on the range and on bivouac.

I don’t know what to ask you about. You will just have to tell me a little about what has happened. I am anxious to hear from you. I haven’t heard since I got the telegram. 

I hope you are all well.



Tell anyone you see about my address.

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