Basic Training Fort Benning Letters

December 18, 1943

Letter after learning of death of Grandfather Tappan

(letter seems incomplete – just released from the hospital)
Saturday Eve.
Dear Folks,

I don’t know how to start this letter but of course I am sorry for what happened. It came as quite a shock to me. I got your telegram about noon today and because I was more or less dazed anyway from  just getting back from the hospital a few minutes before, it hit me pretty hard.

I went immediately to my company officers to see what could be done for me. They thought that since I had lost out anyway and would have to be transferred that I should have a furlough. But they cannot give emergency furloughs for death outside your immediate family. So they sent it to battalion headquarters and it was refused.

The only thing I knew to do then was to call you. I hope you could understand me. I was surprised at the rate the call went through. Most of the time the boys call home it takes 3 or 4 hours to the call to go through. My call came through in about 15 minutes or maybe less. It cost me $1.75.

I hope you took care

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