Basic Training Fort Benning Letters

December 10, 1943

From the hospital

(Ward C-13 Station Hospital)
Friday Afternoon
Dear Folks,

I hope by the time this letter reaches you that I will be out of here. There doesn’t seem to be much chance now that I will get out during the six days so I am getting used to the idea of taking several more weeks of basic.

I had a queer experience Wednesday afternoon. By that time my temperature had gone down quite a bit and I was feeling a lot better. About 3:00 PM a nurse came around bringing us fruit juices to drink and I took grape juice. This made me sick and I threw up almost immediately. Then my temperature shot up to 105* and I couldn’t keep anything down until the next day.

Well yesterday the fever started going down but that high fever left me with such a dizziness and headache that it really hurt to open my eyes. I just spent the day lying there with my eyes closed trying to rest.

It is hard writing in bed so pardon the dimness! Today I feel like somebody again and have done considerable reading. This is sure some hospital. It is made up of hundreds one story buildings that are connected by the hallways. It covers several blocks in area. I suppose there are exceptions but each of these buildings is a ward. The back end is offices etc. and the front is a big room. In our ward there are about 35 beds. If you are really sick (as I was for 2 or 3 days) you are waited on as in a regular hospital but if you are recuperating etc you wait on yourself. You make your own bed, sweep under your bed, walk to the bathroom and go get your meals. Today is the first day I have really been able to do this.

After you are nearly ready to leave they give you a bathrobe & let you go to a mess hall that is somewhere within the hospital. There is also a PX and recreation room to go to after you can get out. Well I don’t want to start a new sheet & that’s all anyway.

Love, Donald

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