(Ward C-13 Station Hospital)
December 12, 1943
Dear Folks,
This is one letter I will write in which I have nothing to say. All I know is that I am still here. As far as I know all that “ails” me now is a chest full of cold and boy am I coughing up gallons from it. This by rights should mean that it is breaking.
This has seemed to be a very long week to me. The longer I stay the harder the job of staying gets. The worst part of staying here is my appetite. They serve pretty good meals but I have lost all desire for eating. I think the greatest reason for this is the awful feeling the medicine leaves in your stomach.
I got your package the other day and read all it contained. I tasted the candy and it sure reminded me of home but I couldn’t relish eating much of it. I couldn’t even interest those around me with it. That doesn’t need to worry youthough. When I get back to the army again it will certainly be welcome.
They are doing one thing for me here that I am really happy about. You remember that I said that my bump on the head left a red place in my eye. Well shooting a rifle didn’t help it but caused it to spread till about ½ of the white part of my eye was covered. I asked the medical man (not a doctor but more of a first-aid man) back at the company a couple of times about it but every time he would say it would heal up in a few days. Of course it never did and the doctor here took an interest in it. He said it was a ruptured blood vessel and told the nurse to get a certain kind of medicine for it. They have only been putting the medicine in for 2 or 3 days and already it is helping. About half of the redness has cleared up.
If it doesn’t clear up any more I will be satisfied but now I have hopes that maybe I won’t always have to wear around a bloodshot eye.
I have about decided why I should get sick just after they gave us those pills which were supposed to keep us well. They told us that they were supposed to kill disease germs by raising the “temperature of our body” slightly. I imagine that just that little bit of fever lessened my resistance enough to let “whatever I have” set in.
Well I wish I knew what to ask you about that is happening back there. About all I can think of is “How is Richard coming with his job?”
I guess I have gut a little letter written anyway. So –