Basic Training Fort Benning Letters

January 29, 1944 (probably)

[Date unclear – probably January 29, 1944]
Saturday Night
Dear Folks,

I expected to be out somewhere where I couldn’t write a letter if I wanted to tonight but it jusst goes to show, you never can tell what to expect. The rest of the company left for the range this afternoon and are camping out in the woods somewhere tonight but here I am spending one more night in the barracks. I am on the detail for hauling out the equipment.

We got all the stuff packed and ready to go yesterday and were expecting to ship it out anytime today. But they never got the trucks down here today so I have spent one of my easiest days in the army (outside of those in the hospital, of course).

I guess we’’ll make up for it today in having to work tomorrow though. But anyway it will be easier than making the march out there. Little things like this prove to me that the good Lord knows how to take care of me..

Well as usual after I say what I have been doing I am about run down.

This letter tonight will very likely be my last regular letter for a while. I’ll do very well to write a very short note while I am on the range. Boy I certainly am praying that I can make it through the range this time. Of course, after I get through basic I don’t know what will happen to me then. There seems to be very little chance of our getting to go to school now. I don’t know whether you have been reading about it in the newspapers or not. Of course what ever happens will be for the best.

Well I am wondering what you are doing tonight. How are things coming back there.


P.S. Thanks for the pictures of Richard and Mary. The only thing that was strange to me was that I couldn’t help noticing the length of Richard’s hair. I am so used to seeing everyone’s hair an inch or an inch and a half long. I don’t know whether I told you or not but that is how I am wearing mine now.
How do you like my new stationary?

Basic Training Fort Benning Letters

January 9, 1944 (probably)

[Date unclear, but probably January 9, 1944]
Sunday Afternoon
Fort Benning, Georgia
Dear Folks,

Well another week is past. This makes me just that much nearer to something or other. I haven’t received many letters from you this week so I am wondering about how things are coming back there.

I have been taking care of my sick boys so nothing very exciting has happened to me. The rest of my time has been spent working in or for the supply room. Yesterday afternoon I went with the supply sergeant to the main post to get the laundry.

I was pretty lucky in getting off of my sick hut job today. The job was given today to someone as mild company punishment.

We don’t have to get up on Sunday mornings so I slept over for once. I wanted to go to church so when I woke up I looked at my watch to see what time it was. It was only 8:20 so I had over an an hour and a half before church time so I merely turned over and went back to sleep. The next time I woke up it was 8 minutes till ten. I really flew around and by double timing (running) a little I got there just as the crowd was arriving.

I don’t know whether I told you or not but I got the books you sent me the other day. I also got a letter from Uncle Ernie this week that had a dollar bill in it. So Christmas isn’t over for me even yet. If I get a chance one of these days I think I will buy me a leather toilet article case with it. They are something like a small suit case. The apron you gave me is very handy to use but it is always coming unrolled and spilling things all over the street when I am on my way to the wash room. I hope you won’t mind too much about this.

I suppose you had the sale yesterday. I wonder how things came out. Maybe you can tell me about this if you can’t think of anything else to write.

Oh yes I wanted to tell you that the Tribunes are coming to my new address. I am beginning to get the news again. 

That’s about all I can think of so,

Sunday Night
Well I managed to get my package ready this afternoon. I will send it out the first chance I get next week. I sent my Christmas cards mostly just so you could enjoy them too. You don’t need to save them unless you just put them in with a bunch you happen to have. You will save Janette’s picture for me & the other pictures you can put into your album. Richard can whittle the US Army off the soles of the shoes to make civilian shoes if he wants to.